EPA Water Quality
Community Grant
Improving Water Quality and Stormwater Management on Barrier Island Through Wetland Habitat Restoration
Project Objective(s) and Need
The purpose of this project is to provide improved stormwater management for the East side of Dauphin Island through wetland habitat restoration. Dauphin Island is a barrier island that is susceptible to frequent flooding due to low elevation, limited stormwater storage capacity, and a poor drainage system. Access to and from the island is located on the East End of the Island where flooding occurs to both groundwater inundation and rainfall. In addition, storm surge impacts exacerbate flooding pressures applied by rainfall to variable degrees during tropical events. The persistent flooding on the barrier island has led to a rapid loss and increased threats to barrier island habitats and infrastructure. These threats negatively influence plants, animal, and fish habitats, both commercially and recreationally, resulting in rippling effects on seafood harvests and potential property loss or damage.
The objective of this project is to develop a series of engineered wetlands to capture and absorb stormwater on undeveloped land. The project will be completed in two phases. Phase I includes land acquisition and preliminary design and Phase II includes full engineering and design and construction of wetlands. Land acquisition has been determined preliminarily by the Town of Dauphin Island based on knowledge of chronically flooded areas. Buying land parcels to use as wetland will aid in reducing drainage problems throughout the eastern portion of the Island.
Current Activities: The Town of Dauphin Island will be acquiring land in strategic island area of the East End to enhance existing wetlands or to expand them through redirection of storm water (September 2023- September 2025).