Questions about Dauphin Island – find answers to many of your frequently asked questions here.
Q: What number should I call in case of an emergency?
A: 911
Q: Can I take my dog to the beach?
A: Yes…except for the West End Beach where pets are prohibited due to the presence of critical bird nesting habitats. However, the Town of Dauphin Island has an island-wide leash law in place which requires dogs to be properly restrained at all times. Please be sure and clean up after your pets!
Q: Where can I purchase a Hurricane Re-entry Pass?
A: Hurricane Re-entry Passes are available at Town Hall during regular business hours;
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Q: Can we have a bonfire on the beach?
A: No, ADEM has a statewide NO BURN BAN!
Q: Can I camp on a vacant lot or on the beach?
A: No camping allowed anywhere on the Island except at the Dauphin Island Campground on the east end of the Island.
Q: Can I bring my own food and beverages to the West End Beach?
A: You can bring food and beverage items to West End Beach although glass containers (and personal grills) are strictly prohibited!
Q: What are the hours for the West End Beach?
A: The West End Beach is open 7 days a week from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Our summer season is May 1st – Labor Day. This is all contingent on weather permitting.
Q: What is the ferry schedule?
A: The Dauphin Island Ferry runs daily (weather permitting). Call (251) 861-3000 for specific times and current info.
Q: What are the hours of operation for the Town Dumpster?
A: Fridays & Saturdays 8:00 AM – NOON. Please review the Dumpster Policy BEFORE using it.
Q: Can I use a golf cart on the Island?
A: Golf carts are required to have a license plate issued by its residing state in order for it to be on the public roadways. You will have to contact the (DMV) Department of Motor Vehicle office to get their requirements to obtain a license plate for your golf cart. Unless you utilize the golf cart on your private property, then you are not required to have a license plate.