The Town of Dauphin Island operates under a Mayor-Council form of government. The administration consists of a Mayor and five Council Members who each serve four-year terms. Members must have served four consecutive year terms of office.
Mayor & Town Council

Policymaking and legislative authority is vested in the Mayor and Town Council. They are responsible for, among other things, considering local resolutions and ordinances, adopting an annual budget and appointing members to local boards and committees.
The Town Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Town Council Chamber at Town Hall. Citizens are welcomed and encouraged to attend the open meeting which generally begins at 6:00 PM Agenda meetings are usually held at 5:00 PM on the Mondays prior to the Council Meetings. If you have a question or an item to be considered by the Mayor and Council, contact the Town Clerk, Wanda Sandagger at (251) 861-5525 Ext 225 or email wsandagger@townofdauphinisland.org.